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We appreciate your support of the TIOH community!

TIOH offers numerous levels of membership to align with various household structures. Upon request, we are pleased to provide dues relief to make our community accessible for everyone who would like to be part of our TIOH family.

TierDefinitionBase Dues (2024–25)
AssociateFull member(s) at another temple$755
Young Adult*39 years and under
GeneralOver 40 years
Kavod (Honor)**70+ years and retired

*Young Adult Couple/Family membership is available to couples with at least one partner 39 years of age and younger. Families with kids enrolled in our schools are not eligible for Young Adult membership.

**Kavod membership is available for households with at least one adult who is 70+ and retired. We encourage all eligible members who are able to support our community to do so at the General or Patron level.

Re: “Base Dues”: A health and safety fee is added to membership to ensure our ability to keep our campus clean and well-secured. These fees vary according to membership type and/or enrollment in our schools.

Patron Dues

Become a sustaining member by joining a group of committed, wise, and generous Patrons who make a critical difference in our future by increasing your annual contribution above standard membership dues.

TierContributionwith Dues (2024–25)
Chai/Young Adult$1800 Individual $2,225 | Couple $2,620
Chai$1800 Individual $4,225 | Couple $5,750
Tzedek$3600Individual $6,025 | Couple $7,550
Gibor$9000Individual $11,425 | Couple $12,950

If you have any questions about membership, including dues relief, please reach out to us at

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