Join TIOH's Film Circle for a screening of “Killers of the Flower Moon,” Martin Scorsese's latest film with Leonardo DiCaprio. Purchase your tickets in advance here. Choose tickets as close to seat K-15 as possible to sit together as a group. Killers of the Flower Moon Wednesday, October 25 6:30 PM screening AMC Theatres at […]
Joey Weisenberg is known for music that goes straight to the soul. He is also known for turning every audience into a singing community. Come experience this gifted musical artist who will encourage us to dig deeper and go higher, lifting our spirits and touching our hearts, leaving us transformed. Joey Weisenberg Concert Sunday, October […]
Debra Azar will be facilitating the TIOH Meditation Circle on Zoom at 7:30 pm. Contact Debra ( for more information. To find out more about Debra, click here. Mediation Circle Mondays 7:30 pm Click here for Zoom link For more information on what TIOH Circles to join, click here.
xChair Yoga is for newer students and students looking to build a stronger foundation for their yoga practice. Step by step instruction is given to build strength and stability, focusing on classical standing poses, seated poses, and relaxation poses. Chairs are used as props to help students extend, stretch, align, and relax their bodies in a […]
Currently reading "Golda Meir: Israel Matriarch" by Deborah Lipstadt. Non-Fiction Circle Thursday, November 2 7:30 pm Contact Helaine for the location.
We invite bereaved parents, close relatives, friends supporting grieving families, religious leaders, and mental health professionals. We aim to provide a supportive environment where healing can occur through Jewish teachings' perspectives and the power of creative expression. Friday, November 3, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
We invite bereaved parents, close relatives, friends supporting grieving families, religious leaders, and mental health professionals. We aim to provide a supportive environment where healing can occur through Jewish teachings' perspectives and the power of creative expression. Friday, November 3, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
The Book Fair is back in support of the TIOH schools! Join us for some shopping and schmoozing. You can even donate old books. Childcare will be available for our Shop and Schmooze event on Wednesday, November 8, from 3:00-5:00 pm. You can start browsing books here. TIOH Book Fair Monday, November 6–Friday, November 10, […]