B’nai Mitzvah
A B’nai Mitzvah ceremony is a significant Jewish lifecycle event celebrating the moment our students are called to Torah.
At Temple Israel of Hollywood, we also recognize and take pride in the responsibility each student takes on as they enter adulthood, your family and the commitment to Judaism you have prioritized, the decision you made in joining TIOH, and the choice to belong to a Jewish community.

To become B’nai Mitzvah at TIOH:
- Students must complete a minimum of grades 5 and 6 in either TIOH’s Briskin Elementary OR Religious School (leading up to the year they become B’nai Mitzvah)
- Students must be 13 years or older at the time of their B’nai Mitzvah ceremony
- Students must be currently enrolled in & attending Briskin Elementary, TIOH Religious School, TIOH Teen Program, or another Jewish Day School at the time of becoming B’nai Mitzvah
- Families must be TIOH members in good standing
To learn more about the B’nai Mitzvah process or to discuss requirements,
please contact Alba Arzu or call (323) 876-8330 x1007.
B’nai Mitzvah Resources