HoTY – TIOH Temple Youth
HOTY (Hollywood Temple Youth) is the TIOH’s youth group for our 9th through 12th graders! HOTY provides TIOH teens a positive space to connect and grow as young Jewish leaders. The HoTY board, comprised of teens who were elected by their peers to their specific positions, meets about once a week to design, plan and run events for our teen community throughout the year. Highlight events are: Sleepless in Hollywood (an overnight extravaganza), Shabbat hikes, social justice events and adding ruach to our Teen Program!
For more information on upcoming events and how to get involved, email Rabbi Lara Regev at lregev@tioh.org.
HoTY Board 2021
Co-Presidents: Lily Feldman & Ava Maxwell
Programming VP: Talia Herzog Henry
Social Action VP: Natalie Bernstein
Membership VP: Stella Sosnow
Financial VP: Nathan Bookstaver
Communications VP: Noa Bookstaver