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TIOH Board Slate 2024–25

Our Nominating Committee has met and recommends the individuals below to serve in the following positions for 2024-2025:

President – Stephanie Bressler
Vice President Arts & Programs – Roger Kumble
Vice President Communications – Sharra Lebov
Vice President Development – Jamie Rubin
Vice President Education – Aliza Reder
Vice President Membership – Lisa Druker
Vice President Personnel – Renee Wolf
Vice President Social Action – Francine Tansey
Treasurer – Avi Kamienny
Asst. Treasurer – Mindy Tankel
Secretary – Rachel Shapiro

Continuing Trustees:
David Baron
Ricka Fisher
Dani Klein Modisett
Leemore Kushner
Dorrie LaMarr
Polina Reyblat
Greg Roth
Jonathan Shikora
Melissa Turetzky
David Weiner

New  Trustees:
Uri Blackman
Cherie McDermott
Andrea Rothschild
Lisa Present Susser

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