We are so excited to welcome all our families to our first day of Religious School! Enjoy some mini-putt and nosh outdoors and a fantastic day of community! For more information on joining our Religious School, please email our school Director, Sarah Escobar, at sescobar@tioh.org or visit the website at tiohreligiousschool.org
Join us online for Supporting Connections: Strategies for Belonging and Thriving Relationships after COVID with Dr. Daniel Siegel. This online talk for parents with children of all ages is about developing and strengthening the much-needed bonds within your family during these challenging times. Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School […]
We celebrate Chanukah together with a special evening inviting our HoTY and Teen families to join us for a special candle lighting evening at 4:45 pm. HoTY will be hosting "Cooking with Danny" for everyone participating. To register for that night, please visit us at my.tioh.org/8nights or on our Shabbat services page here. Chanukah Day […]
TIOH loves camp! We are hosting several different Jewish organizations in our courtyard on Sunday, January 3o. Come for some coffee and learn how your students can Jewishly spend their summers. Featuring camps that specialize in sports, science, arts, and more. This event is just for adults. Email Rachel Dubowe for any questions. Camp Takeover […]
We invite all our TIOH families for a laid-back family-friendly Purim celebration with carnival-style games, and musical performances from Nickelodeon's super fun Beat Buds and Grammy-award winners Opium Moon. Come and support the Covenant House with a social action activity and enjoy a special Purim Shpiel performance from our TIOH Religious School and Briskin Elementary […]
Join the Religious School Director, Sarah Escobar, and learn all about Jewish Life, learning, and connectivity after preschool. if you have any questions, please email Sarah at sescobar@tioh.org. Religious School Sunday, May 15, 2022 9:00 am
In honor of all Sarah Escobar has given to us as Religious School Director, and the important role the TIOH Religious School plays in all of our families’ lives, we invite you to join us as we wish Sarah farewell. Please consider making a contribution in her name to the Religious School Annual Campaign to […]
Selichot is a time when our community comes together prior to the High Holy Days to mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepare ourselves for the Days of Awe. Join us this year for a new Family Selichot experience! Kids of all ages are welcome to join with their parents, grandparents and loved ones to think about […]